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Maskara review [1] : The Benefit Bad gal Bang Mascara

I have a long and "heavy" lashes, that with a help of mascara, my eyes could look bigger and i feel beautiful :)

I have tried lots of mascaras, most of the purchase reasons are the packaging is cute, and positive reviews. Currently I am using the Benefit Bad gal Bang Mascara, because of the unique (edgy) name, and it's has cool black, pink, and silver packaging, and I have seen lots of positive reviews about this one. The price, well it's pricey for me (sorry I lost the receipt, but it was above IDR 350k in Sephora PIM 2). 

Black and pink, BANG!

The mascara wand is slim and has short brush (I think it is called the slimpact brush), it is easy to apply onto the roots of my lashes. There are some other benefits but for me this is the most important.. hi hi

It takes 3 layers for me reach the desirable result. If I am not patients though, it will smear a little. My tips would be to sit down (don't do it inside a moving car >.<), and between the layer, do take several seconds so it will dry frist, then add the next layer. 

Slimpact brush

It takes me about 2 minutes for the mascara to blend with my lashes, and curls almost perfectly :) By the way, I always use an eye curler before using a mascara, so I have not tried this one without. However based on my desktop research, it will curl nicely as well.

Thick and curly finish, i love it. Please ignore my weird pose..

Does it smudge? in my case, yes, a little bit. I have super oily complexion so it will be inevitable, with any other mascara too. I just have to prepare some wet tissues in my bag and take a little swipe under my eyes whenever needed, no biggie!

And at the end of the day, it is very easy to clean, I just use make up remover or micellar water (I'm using the Maybelline Eye+Lip Make Up Remover and the Garnier Water Rose Micellar Cleansing Water). 

What is my take on this mascara? 9/10 because of the price point, it is pricey for me. However, I will probably make a repurchase because I LOVE the result.

I will be writing about my Top 10 mascara, but so far I have only found 5. So if you guys are reading this, and have the mascara that you love, tell me! I would love to try it :)

Meanwhile, stay safe and healthy.



  1. kurang suka tip nya mascara yang model gitu, kalau di bulu mata aku jadinya kayak gimbal gitu, jadi ngumpul, ngerti kan maksudnya hahaha.. Suka yang ujungnya modelnya kayak ada sisirnya, jadi lebih natural.

  2. huahahaha beda-beda selera yes, mau dong rekomendasi brand-nya!


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