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Online Job Interview From Home - Space Preparation

My last post was about helping my cousin create a resume, so I thought to continue about the job interview, which commonly done online these days. My last job interview was on March 2020, that was the first online job interview for me. It made me anxious and relaxed at the same time. 

Anxious, because well it’s a job interview and I really wanted the job, so I didn’t want to make errors from the lack of internet until how I answered the questions from the HR personnel and the user. The relaxing part was that I got to make my own ambiance, from sitting on my favourite chair, using my favourite room scent, and the light that made me look nice and confident. 

If you are doing a job interview at home, and at the interview time other members of your household are present, you want to inform them about your interview schedule. That way, you won’t be surprised on loud TV noises or people chatting near your “interview zone”. I have a dedicated room to do my interviews/online conferences activities, even when I do inform my family, there are still voices of food hawkers peddling their stuff in the neighbourhood, some even using mics^^, so I guess keeping the voices at maximum effort is necessary.

Then, if the location you select is not you usual place to work, I suggest you familiarise with the surrounding first. Do you need to tidy up your background, or add a portable fan (if it doesn’t have AC and it’s warm), or whether it needs a supporting light. I have this cute and useful for both cooling and adding extra lights

Disclaimer: I have more bright lighting from the head light than this in my real situation, but I think this ambience will display better for the purpose of some items that I'm showing for this post 

This is portable so I can bring this wherever :D

Now you are touching upon the most important things: your laptop/phone & necessary documents. Make sure it is fully charged, or you can find the nearest socket to plug in, this is very important so you don’t get disconnected, or seen running around to find a charging outlet in the house. Then whatever documents you feel important to keep around - mine for example, is my resume, one pager of the subjected company to the interview, and a blank paper and pen (I am using my iPad) should there be notes. I may not use them all, but I feel more confident when they are near, just in case.

A glass of water, or your favourite beverages like tea or coffee, so you don’t have to excuse yourself during the interview to go to the fridge, in case the meeting turns a little bit longer. 

Last but not least, your favourite scent. It can be your own perfume, or an aromatherapy, just so you feel calm, relax, confident, etc. I always put on a perfume during an online meetings, the scent just makes me lifted and confident. If you don’t usually wear perfume, recently I just found another alternatives, by using the personal diffuser (mine is by Young Living), and I have been using the Lavender essential oil, and it feels great as well :)

You can use different essential oils according to your mood goal!

I think my set is done. What do you think you would add in your set-up? 

Have a great day! ^^


  1. this is an excellent post I got a lot of knowledge after reading good luck.
    Sewa Dedicated desk Medan


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